2011年环境生物技术与材料工程国际学术会议(EBME 2011)将于2011年3月26日在中国哈尔滨召开。会议由黑龙江省环科清洁发展技术中心及国际科学与高技术协会(IASHT)联合主办,宝威体育平台-(中国)科技公司协办,哈尔滨工业大学、吉林大学、哈尔滨工程大学、哈尔滨商业大学提供技术支持。大会录用的论文全部发表在国外EI期刊Advanced Materials Research。
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts that demonstrate recent advances the following areas of interest, but are not limited to:
1. Biotechnology
Isolation, characterization and application of novel microorganisms
Fermentation technology
Ecosystem restoration
Edible and medicinal fungi
Microbial genetic resources for food and agriculture
Biocontrol of plant disease and pest
Biotechnology products
Biological wastewater treatment
Biomaterials for Engineering Applications
Biosensors, Bioreactor
Cell Line and Cell Culture Development
Formulation Process Development
Agricultural Biotechnology
Forestbiological science
2. Environmental Science
Treatment processes for water and wastewaters
New wastewater treatment technologies
Modeling and measuring of water pollution
Ground water pollution control
Water quality standards
Water resource protection and sustainable use
Solid and hazardous waste management
Environmental restoration
Modelling techniques; Public health and risk assessment
Toxic chemical exposure
Effects of air pollution on public health
Air pollution monitoring and modeling
Urban and indoor air pollution and control
Environmental and occupational lung diseases
Biotechnology and Public Health
Resource Recovery
Cleaner Production
Catchment Management
Noise pollution control
Ecosystem Restoration
Global climate changes and human health
The comprehensive use of the forest resources
Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating
Forestsoil science
Managements of nature reserve
3. Material Science
Global climate changes and human healthCoatings Technology
Corrosion Control
Green Materials
Materials Testing and Characterization
Materials Research and Application
Welding Technology and Applied Process
Energy and Environmental Materials
Advanced Structural Materials
Functional and Electronic Materials
Nano-scale and Amorphous Materials
Health and Biological Materials Materials Modeling, Simulation, and Characterization
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Inorganic Materials
Materials for energy conversion and storage
Functional materials
Materials for environment preservation,energy, saving and new energy
Materials processing technologies for reduction of environment impact
High performance materials
Hybrid composites for solving ecological issues
Recycle and re-use
Polymer Materi
Important Dates
Submission Due: Before October 1, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: Before October 15, 2010
Camera-Ready: Before October 25, 2010
Conference Date: March 26-28, 2011
EBME 2011 invites authors to submit original and unpublished work. Papers should at least 4 pages of text using 10-point size type on A4 inch paper (Word Template).